Capital Letters
*To begin sentences : The girl’s name is Samantha
*The name of a day of a month : Sunday, Monday,…January, February….
*The name of a language, a county, a lake ,an ocean :German , Germany, The Niles, ,
*The name of a place : Bangkok Christian College, Silom Road, St.Louis Hospital
*The name of a nationality : Chinese, American
*The title and abbreviations : Mr., Dr.,B.C.C.
*The name of people and a pet :George , Mike, Kitty ,
*The name of a holiday : Christmas, Halloween, Mother’s Day
*The pronoun “I”
*The title of TV. Programs, movies, books,poems or songs :The Avengers , Harry Potter, Price Tax
Period .
•1. To end:
•My name’s Beth and I was 18 in July.
•2. To emphasize:
•I keep reliving that moment. Over and over
•3. With abbreviations:
•etc., Dec., Mr. Smith or p.m.
•The coffee morning will be held on Thursday
15 Sept. in
the Waterfront Restaurant.
•4. With websites and email:
Question mark ?
•1. To end:
•Have you seen the film yet?
•2. After a tag question:
French, aren't you?
•3. In direct question:
•What if
I said to you, "I don't love you any more"?
•4. To turn:
•See you at 9pm?
•5. To show uncertainty:
•I think
you said it would cost $10???
Comma ,
separate each item in a series of at least three items :
•I like onions, potatoes, and carrots.
separate a city from country :
•My friends live in Texas,
separate the day and the month from the year :
•My birthday is on February
20th, 1965.